
WINDS project
The WINDS project (Wing-Implemented Navigation for Decarbonized Shipping) has officially started, involving us alongside Airworks SRL, Alping Italia Srl and UNITS in the design and development of the first full-scale 1:1 version of our new WSM 2.0 (Wing Sail Module®).
This innovative system aims to integrate wind power into naval propulsion, reducing fuel consumption and limiting pollutant emissions in maritime transport.

WEPAS project – Webinar recording
The project is aimed at developing an innovative module, the WSM (Wing Sail Module), which uses the energy of the wind to reduce the consumption of fuels for the propulsion of ships.

The wind propulsion system by Naos Design and Concrane makes its debut on the new GNV Bridge
The new RoPax “GNV Bridge” just built by Cantiere Navale Visentini is currently engaged in sea trials before final delivery to Grandi Navi Veloci.

IWSA (International Windship Association) Member
Proud to be associated to IWSA since October this year!

WEPAS project update
After the long and problematic pandemic period, with consequent slow down of many activities, fiberglass wing blade, already manufactured in April, has been transported to

NAOS wish all the best for a brilliant career in the company!
First to be graduated at distance under Covid safety measures at the faculty of Naval Architecture of Trieste, Federico Franceschini has been employed at NAOS from the 1st of June.

NAOS wish Bozidar a brilliant career!
Since March 2020, Mr. Bozidar Saric has joined our team.

WSM – Wepas System
Molds for the production of the prototype blade of the WSM – WEPAS system are ready and the blades itself will be laminated shortly

Research work for modern RoPax hullform optimization goes on.
Brodarski Institute (Croatia) is the selected Hydrodynamic laboratory, whom is providing reliable co-operation since 2012.

Jiangnan Shipyard in Trieste
On March 28th, a delegation from Jiangnan Shipyard made a second visit to our headquarters in Trieste.

New Ferry for RFI
RFI placed an order for the construction of a new railferry at the Genoese group formed by Mariotti Shipyard and San Giorgio Del Porto Shipyard.

Winner of the Shippax Award 2018
Many thanks to Shippax for this award, and to everyone who partecipated in the building of Tasmanian Achiever II !

13.03.2019 Shippax Ferry Conference 2019
Shippax Ferry Conference held on board SILJA SERENADE, sailing between Stockholm-Helsinki-Stockholm from 12-14 March 2019.

13.03.2019 Shippax Award
Shippax Ferry Conference on board of Silja Serenade. Philippe Holtoff and Elizabeth Mandersson handing-over the Shippax Award to Roberto Prever .

13.03.2019 Shippax Award – Tasmanian Achiever II
Toll’s new Roll On Roll Off (RoRo) cargo ship, TASMANIAN ACHIEVER II, has won the 2018 SHIPPAX RORO TECHNOLOGY AWARD on 13 March, 2019.

Financial contribution granted by Friuli Venezia Giulia to NAOS Ship & Boat Design for the WEPAS project – Wind Energy Propulsion Aid for Ships.

17.12.2018 3DEXPERIENCE M&O Meeting
The biggest 3Dexp Marine&Offshore user in the world (Jiangnan Shipyard ) meet the smallest 3Dexp M&O in the world (NAOS): what an interesting future! Gallery

New Compact RoRo design for the Med
Due to the big increment of traffic on their root, a Mediterranean Owner (confidential) has ordered to NAOS the feasibility study for a small size RoRo cargo vessel.

The pair of TOLL/Jinling new RoRo vessel successfully tested at sea
The first vessel has undertaken sea trials at the end of September, and the second one at the end of November.

First run at sea for HYPATIA DE ALEJANDRIA
The first LNG-fueled RoPax built by Visentini Shipyard for Balearia has made first runs at sea.

Zero Emission for Cruise
NAOS is going to introduce a full “ECO” concept for Cruise/Polar ships, as a new research theme.

Accademia Nautica dell’Adriatico – Corso di progettazione navale
Il corso di tecnico superiore per la produzione e manutenzione di mezzi di trasporto navale e relative infrastrutture, al quale potranno accedere 24 allievi, punta

SMM Hamburg 4 -7 Sept 2018

New Balearia LNG Ferries
The first of the two LNG newbuilding for Balearia has been launched march 30th at Cantiere Navale Visentini.

Ship Propulsion assisted by Wind
Since 2014 NAOS is developing his own wind device (WSM – Wing Sail Module) to be installed on board of several type of ships to reduce fuel consumption.

25th year celebration party
25 years are passed from the date NAOS has been set up in 1993.

SMM Hamburg exhibition
NAOS will have his own booth at the 2018 SMM exhibition early September, this year.

Flettner Rotors vs Wing Sails
A comparison analysis has been done to evaluate the performances of two wind propulsion assisting devices: WSM® and Flettner rotors.

18.01.2018 First LNG RoPax in the Mediterranean
NAOS has delivered the design of the well known Visentini RoPax, with LNG implementation.

42nd Interferry Conference
Naos, member of Interferry, will be at the 42nd Interferry Conference in Split – Croatia 7-11 October.

Transforming the Ship Design Business
Naos Ship and Boat Design – Transforming the Ship design Business – Dassault Systèmes.

Vienna Ship Model Basin
The old model basin of Vienna, equipped with a carriage 105 years old….

Naos deploys 3DEXPERIENCE Platform
NAOS deploys Dassault Systemès 3DEXPERIENCE platform to virtually develop complex superyacht.

Jinling Shypyard Sign 2 Units of 12000DWT RoRo Vessel New Order
Jinling Shipyard sign 2 units of 12000dwt RoRo vessels’ shipbuilding contracts with Austrlian shipowner TOLL SHIPPING recently.

26.07.2016 New office
Upcoming opening of a new office in G. Murat n. 16 street – 2° floor – Trieste.

New order CSC JINLING Shipyard
NAOS has been appointed for the basic design of a new 12,000 dwt RO-RO SHIP.

Start of NAOS BCN
13.06.2016 Start of NAOS SHIP AND BOAT DESIGN S.L. sister company based in Barcelona.

3DS BT SLC Convention – Monte Carlo
“Expert” of NAOS Ship & Boats Design during the M&O panel at “The 2016 3DS BT Sale Leadership Convention” in Monte Carlo.

First participation at SMM Hamburg
NAOS has had a booth together with other Trieste based companies, under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce of Trieste.

SMM Hamburg 9-12 sep 2014
Whenever the question is energy optimization, Naos Ship & Boat Design is the right answer.

Dassault Systemes workshop

The new eco-friendly ro-ro multipurpose “Wedellsborg”, owened by the Danish Nordana Lines, has just arrived at the S.Marco dockyard in Trieste from the Cantiere Navale Visentini Shipyard.

“Catia” advanced training course
Advanced training course on Catia SFD and SDD made by AITAC.

New order from Grimaldi Napoli
NAOS get the order in October from Grimaldi Napoli for a conversion to accomodate more passengers on the MV “Transeuropa”.

28.08.13 Visit to Visentini Shipyard
Visit to Visentini Shipyard of the Stena RoRo team, and the bulbous bow of the NB 226.

New “Fast Crew Vessel”
New “Fast Crew Vessel” designed in cooperation with Palumbo Shipyard. Download BROCHURE

Naos at Brodarski Institute
From the left to the right: Claus Bo Hansen, Reinhard Schulze, Roberto Prever and Giovanna Mason at the Brodarski Institute during latest test.

09.05.2013 Incidente a Genova
Collisione “Jolly Nero” torre di controllo Piloti Porto di Genova.

10.04.13 20th Anniversary
NAOS S.r.l. celebrating these days the twentieth year of business. Thanks to its customers, partners and employees! Biscotti e dolcetti celebrativi 🙂

Press Release “MAN Diesel & Turbo” – February 2012
Italian Ro-Ro Operator Chooses Complete MAN Power Solution

Nuovi Cantieri Apuania
Nuovi Cantieri Apuania won the competition among Fincantieri and Rosetti Marino, for the building of new rail ferry for the Straits of Messina.

Software ShipConstructor(r)
Naos adopts the software solution ShipConstructor 2008(r), the product leader of 3D modeling based on AutoCAD(r), specialized for the naval industry.

ScandiNAOS in Bilbao
ScandiNAOS “rise the flag” during ITL (Intermodal Transport & Logistic) conference in Bilbao.

“Flex Bow”, full scale results
Official sea trials of Lagan Viking: 25.5 knots has been reached at full power, confirming tank test predictions.

01.09.2005 Nasce la ScandiNAOS AB
Dal settembre 2005 è operativa la ScandiNAOS AB, consociata per l’area scandinava con sede a Gotheborg.

Software Solution “Kronodoc” in NAOS
Naos uses the kronodoc software solution , also used by Aker Finnyards for the management of all files and the documentation for the development of their projects.

NAOS signs with Aker Finnyards
The design contract for three new Ro Ro vessel for B&N owners come in force.

New tonnage for Lloyd Sardegna
Lloyd Sardegna put in service the new “Golfo Aranci” on his route Piombino – Olbia.

Stockholm Agreement regulations
NAOS offers owners her well-established and experienced services to assist them in seeking the most practical and economic solutions for compliance with both SOLAS and Stockholm Agreement regulations.

Sea trials of M/N Partenope
TTT Lines the last delivery of the brilliant Visentini’s series has reached 23.4 knots at 85% MCR, with his two main engines rated at 9450 kW, that is over the owner expectations.

The Naval Architect – February 2000
Spaarneborg : pioneering new ideas in cargo handling

Sea Technology & Logistics – November 1995
Norse Mersey: an elegant ro-ro ferry for Irish Sea Charter